Monday, January 3, 2011

Baby Smell

Just a quick post!  Our Christmas was so wonderful!!!  I absolutely loved being with my parents!  I loved seeing them with Elsa and it was so special, and I was so happy the whole time!!  Elsa was an amazing traveler, too!  She slept the whole time - I'd feed her when we were taking off and then she'd fall right asleep, I couldn't have asked for a better traveling baby!

The day after we got back (last Wednesday), Elsa had her first set of vaccinations.  She cried so hard, it was heartbreaking.  :(  She even had a couple tears run down her face.  :(  I took a photo of her all bundled up in the carseat and with very red eyes from crying, I need to download my recent cards.  She had a very small fever - 99 degrees - sometimes over the next few days and I gave her baby tylenol, and she was fussier than normal as well.  I think she's back to normal now though so I'm happy about that!

Oh - over Christmas Elsa started trying to find her thumb!!  She'd be chewing and chewing on her left hand, sticking her whole fist in her mouth and often her thumb and first finger, it was so cute!  Over the past couple days she's also been doing it with her right hand as well, and today I saw her have just the thumb of her left hand in her mouth a couple times - but then she sticks it so far back that she starts gagging, silly girl!  I'm so proud of her for finding her thumb though, and it will come in handy for self-soothing when she doesn't have paci, too! 

Oh and she can also now hold her little head up so well!  When I'm walking around with her up on my shoulder I don't have to hold her head anymore or keep my hand right behind it!  And when she's sitting straight up on my lap I don't have to hold her head either!  Yay Elsa!!!  :)

So I have to comment on her smell because I can't get enough of it!  When we got off the airplane and I handed her to my mom, she said right away, "she smells like baby!" and then I started really noticing and paying attention to it.  She smells so perfect and that baby smell of hers is just beyond describable.  I love it so much!  Often when she's sleeping in my arms I look down at her and also lean a little closer now and then to smell her perfect scent.  Oh I love it, I wish I could somehow keep a sample of it.  I can video her and take thousands of photos of her to remember things, and write things down, but I can't keep a reminder of her perfect baby smell.  So hence my at least writing about it so I can remember how I felt about her smell at least. 

I've narrowed down the Christmas photos but haven't yet done little edits or resized them, so for now here's a couple photos from December 21, a day before she was 2 months old.

Ha!!!  So funny!!!  :)

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